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    【学术讲座】 Fast Online Elastic Net Subspace Clustering via a Novel Dictionary Update Strategy

    2024-12-06 新闻中心 点击:[]


    报告题目:Fast Online Elastic Net Subspace Clustering via a Novel Dictionary Update Strategy


    报告地点:腾讯会议号:447 4167 6172

    报告摘要:In recent years, online subspace clustering has emerged as a critical tool for real-time analysis of data streams in various applications such as video surveillance and social media analytics. While traditional subspace clustering methods may not adequately capture the complex and varying structures in dynamically changing data streams. In this paper, a fast online elastic net subspace clustering model with block diagonal property is introduced, which can be adapted to varying data characteristics while maintaining robustness against noise and outliers. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of online data requires that the model update its parameters efficiently without reprocessing the entire dataset. To meet this need, an alternating direction method of multipliers method with a novel dictionary update strategy based on support point is designed. This dictionary update strategy not only enhances the adaptability of the model by selectively updating the dictionary atoms that best represent the current data characteristics but also significantly enhances the computational efficiency. Moreover, we rigorously prove the convergence of the algorithm, thereby ensuring its reliability and stability in practical applications. Finally, extensive numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed method not only improves the accuracy of subspace clustering, but also maintains scalability, making it suitable for real-time and large-scale data processing tasks.

    报告人简介:孔令臣,教授,博士生导师,中国运筹学会数学规划分会理事长,北京交通大学数学与统计学院副院长。主要从事对称锥互补问题和最优化、高维数据分析、统计优化与学习、医学成像等方面的研究。在《Mathematical Programming》《SIAM Journal on Optimization》《IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence》《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》《Technometrics》《Statistica Sinica》《Electronic Journal of Statistics》等期刊发表论文60余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和专项基金项目, 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、重点研发项目以及973课题等。2012年获中国运筹学会青年奖,2018年获得北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖,2022年获教育部自然科学二等奖等。

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